Dunbritton Housing Association is currently reviewing its Allocation policy through the HOMEArgyll partnership. This Policy is reviewed regularly to ensure it is compliant with current legislation and good practice.
HOMEArgyll is a partnership of the four main Registered Social Landlords (Housing Associations) operating in the Argyll and Bute area, along with Argyll and Bute Council’s Housing Service. The partnership delivers a Common Housing Register and Common Allocation Policy with the primary aim to create a system, which allows applicants to complete one housing application to be considered for Housing Association properties within the Argyll & Bute and West Dunbartonshire areas.
The existing HOMEArgyll Policy has been reviewed to ensure it meets with current legislative requirements and good practice standards.
Following this review members from the HOMEArgyll partnership met to discuss the potential changes and improvements. These changes can be viewed on the HomeArgyll website.
If you are interesting in finding out more and wish to pass on your own views, please visit the HomeArgyll website at; https://www.homeargyll.co.uk/content/consultation/