Medical Adaptations
Did you know that each year Dunbritton Housing Association applies for grant funding to carry out medical adaptations to its properties? The level of funding available depends on the Scottish Government’s current financial constraints. We work closely with the Social Work Department who carry out the needs assessments of the individual tenants.
If you have medical needs and feel that you may benefit from your house being medical adapted, please contact the Occupational Therapist at your local Council’s Social Work Department in the first instance. (Argyll & Bute 01546 605517, Dumbarton (G82 addresses only) 01389 737020 and Alexandria (G83 addresses only) 01389 608088).
Here is a list of some of the types of adaptations we have completed:
- Installation of an over-bath shower
- Installation of a walk-in shower
- Installation of banisters, handrails and grab rails
It is not always possible to adapt our properties due to high cost or constraints to the existing design of a building which prevents an adaptation being done. In these circumstances, it may be better to consider a transfer to a property more suited to your medical needs.