Tenant Scrutiny Panel
Do you want to review our services and report on our performance directly to our Board of Management? Why not join our Tenant Scrutiny Group to meet with like-minded people who are keen to make a difference and help us improve the way we deliver our services to our customers.
The Group’s main aim is to ensure the Association is providing a quality service that offers tenants value for money. We realise there is always room for improvement, and we actively encourage tenant’s suggestions on how we can make things better.
We are thankful to the Tenant Scrutiny Group for the valuable contribution it makes to the Association. If you feel that you could offer some of your time each month and would be interested in joining our Tenant Scrutiny Group - we would love to hear from you!
To find out more about Tenant Scrutiny and how you can get involved in shaping our services, please call the Housing Services Team on 01389 761 486 and select Option 2 for more details.